Why organisations should encourage staff to join Workplace Giving.

A myriad of research, including a specific piece that was supported by SEEK, shows that millennials are calling out for these programs – they want their employer to offer ways for them to get involved with something bigger with purpose – they want more than just turning up for work and receiving a pay cheque.

Collins Foods (KFC, Taco Bell and Sizzler in Australia) are a great example of this engagement. They have a young, transient workforce yet have over 50% of staff involved in the program – with the mantra a $1 is fine and 50c will do; they have raised millions for their charity partners.

The Centre for Corporate Public Affairs recently stated that corporate philanthropy is on its deathbed & corporate community partnerships are ascendant – businesses must meet the ever-growing community expectation that they are creating shared value for their charity partners…but also shared value for their employees.  In the process they’re learning that there are commercial benefits such as improved employee engagement, reduced turnover costs & social license to operate & reputational capital.

Confirming this finding, JB Hi-Fi researched its own extremely successful program and found that members of ‘Helping Hands’ stayed longer with the company – the implications this has for the reduction in cost associated with hiring new staff is immense.

Last…and definitely not least, Workplace Giving is the most cost effective, efficient and ethical way for working Australians to support charities.

Charities would agree that spending money to make money is very soul destroying – we know that it has to be done… but wouldn’t it be great if there was another way. GOOD NEWS – there is…

Embracing Workplace Giving and making it the “norm” for charitable giving would create real social change, and significantly improve the amount of amount of money supporting charities. Sticking with the status quo will not make an impactful change to society, but if individuals and organisations look at the “Opt Out” model for Workplace Giving we would see REAL change.

For more information on how you can Turbo-Charge your workplace giving program visit: